Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Training Problems

Wicket is a sex maniac!

How's that for getting your attention? If that doesn't get comments, I don't know what will.
Now I know it's not sexual ( I don't think) but he humps everything from his stuffed cat to the local Rottweiler's leg. Last night on at the dog park he was playing with another Shih Tzu and they took turns humping each other! While really funny, it wasn't so funny when he tried to hump the little terrier who didn't appreciate it and tried to take off Wickets head ( good thing it was a small terrier). We are going to learn a new command -STOP IT!. lol Wish me luck!

On another note however, Wicket performed almost perfectly yesterday at the park ( not the dog park). I was so proud. It was obvious he was trying hard and putting forth some good effort. We even tried a few new commands and he picked up on them pretty quickly ( it might have helped that I had hotdogs in my pocket ). I am trying to use some tips I got from my new book called "Don't Shoot The Dog" by Karen Pryor. It is all about positive reinforcement for dogs, kids and husbands. Hey maybe I can get my husband trained. What do ya think?

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