Monday, May 2, 2011

The benefits of a well trained dog

Yesterday, while I was visiting the area dog park, a large dog ( possibly pit bull mix?) was with her owner and suddenly jumped the fence, and ran up a tree after a squirrel. The dog then realized he was at the top of the tree and immediately panicked. Thankfully her owner was quick and scrambled up the tree after her dog who was yelping in terror. While this may be a funny story ( I admit it was fun to watch) what if the dog had chased the squirrel into traffic instead of up a tree. The results could have been disatrous. If this dog had had good recall ( meaning came when called reliably) than this would not have happened and instead of having to leave the dog park they could have enjoyed there afternoon, albeit I would have missed the show lol.

A well trained is a happy dog with a happy family. He doesn't jump on tables, counters or people. He doesn't have "accidents" on the floor he may not bark at all or bark once or twice but stop when he is given the command. He knows to leave the dead thing and not pick it up and run forcing you to chase him and then dig the dead thing out of his mouth. He doesn't attack other dogs nor does he jump up on children. He is a happy well mannered member of the family.

Having a well trained and happy member of your family takes dedication, time and education. You never want to expect too much from your dog too soon. I strongly suggest you consult a professional when training your dog and avoid pet stores. Pet stores offer little to no training for there staff and you could do the same job at home for free.

My goal is to become a professional dog trainer and I love new advice and will post things I learn along the way.

I will be utilizing the nothing in life is free technique to train Wicket for the Canine Good Citizen award.

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